Our portfolio strategy includes growing existing brands and discovering new high-potential acquisitions that align with our values and offer a long-term outlook for success. Water-based adhesives group used in the shoe-making and furniture industries. Hardening agent used in various adhesives in furniture industry. MS polymer-based adhesive and proofing material used in construction and automotive industries. Hybrid polymer-based proofing material used for water-proofing in the construction industry. Water-based adhesives used in the furniture industry. Special surface preparing agent developed for the adhesives used in the shoe-making industry. Neutral or acid curing silicone. Thinner and fort bump activating mixtures used in the shoe-making industry. Non-combustible or combustible sponge adhesives containing polychloroprene or artificial rubber which are used in the manufacturing of upholstery and mattresses in the furniture industry. Polycholoroprene-based contact adhesives used in the shoe-making industry. Aerosols with special solvent mixes developed for the automotive industry and used in the cleaning of Brakes-Linings. Polychloroprene-based contact adhesive range used in the shoe-making and automotive industries. Polychloroprene-based adhesive group used in the furniture industry. Hotmelt type adhesives melted with heat and used in the shoe-making industry. Polyurethane-based, solvent or mastic type adhesives and sealent used in the shoe-making, construction, automotive and marine industries. Hotmelt type adhesives melted with heat and used in the packaging and furniture industry.
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